DS Group - A company of The Social Chain AG

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As broad and diverse as our range of products: our range of topics.

This is where you can find our current news and exciting topics. Our news range from the latest deals of the German startup TV show “Die Höhle der Löwen” to company information to product innovations to

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Hot, big, safe, and fast: the new electric barbecue cart EG-II-590 from LANDMANN

And... Fire!! For the next innovation from the “Home of Fire” LANDMANN: From now on, the new electric barbecue cart EG-II-590 will be firing up the barbecue market – to over 300°C.



What is

Ralf Dümmel, Geschäftsführer der DS Unternehmensgruppe, sitzt in seinem

We have a deal!

Since our managing director Ralf Dümmel became a “lion” investor in 2016, he has been making one deal after another with exciting startups. Find out about the latest ones we invested in!

News from ”Die Höhle der Löwen“

News from
"Die Höhle der Löwen"

DS News

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to go


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