We make it big together
Our unique infrastructure allows us to help founders make their vision come true – because we bring products to market quickly and across the board.
If an idea is to our liking, we support it with our full sales and logistics power
We can do this and more for our startups:
One lion - hundreds of problem solvers
Ralf Dümmel has been an investor in the VOX startup show "Die Höhle der Löwen" since 2016. Since the third season of the show, he and the startups have launched hundreds of great products. From the innovative sink plug Abfluss-Fee
to the sustainable make-up removal pads waschies to the delicious curry sausage in a jar "Iss doch WURSCHT". - we love working with startups and we love good products and ideas that solve problems and make many people happy.
We share the same vision– which is why your brand is in the best hands with us.
Latest news from Die Höhle der Löwen
All deals and all series of Die Höhle der Löwen
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