DS Group - A company of The Social Chain AG

We love products…

…and we are sure:
We can be found in almost every household.
Whether private label or white label –
we can do both.
They are not always marked as DS products,
but they always feature our competence.

We accomplish this thanks to our unique network.
> 4,000

Our range of products is expanded every week to include one to two innovations. This is how we introduce about 500 new products of all colors and shapes every year. Total number of our products as of today:

For almost 50 years, DS Group has been a dynamic and experienced partner in discovering, developing, and realizing innovative products. Our multi-channel distribution network allows for a best-selling and clever way to place our diverse products:
A win-win situation for everyone involved.

Thanks to our trademarks, such as LANDMANN, the oldest German barbecue manufacturer, and BEEM, the coffee maker specialist, as well as numerous other brands and startup ideas from the German startup TV show “Die Höhle der Löwen”, DS Group, as a supplier, currently offers one of the widest product ranges in Europe.

Ein hell beleuchtetes Regal im Produkt Showroom der DS Unternehmensgruppe

Strong network,
in retail.

Our network is particularly strong when it comes to retail – we are active in more than 40,000 local stores, on all relevant online marketplaces, in teleshopping, as well as in the mail-order business.

More than 150 retail partners worldwide

We bring our products to the places where customers can buy them: to the shelves – and to all the other distribution channels. Thanks to our more than 150 retail partners and our omni-channel strategy, our innovations are omnipresent.

A Problem.
An Idea.
A Team.

We are known for making problem solvers big. Why? Because we love challenges. And we love products.

Have a look

We create products
that move people

DS Insights

Our customers know that they can rely on us to discover, develop, implement, and place innovations with speed, cleverness, and strong turnover.

To our retail partners, we offer an in-house carefree package:

from in-house product development to legal reviews, manufacturing, quality assurance, marketing, logistics, and anything a product needs to become a success.

To our services

I am one of
more than 8 million

Produktfoto des DS GOURMETMAXX Nutrition Mixer, gefüllt mit Früchten

The blender is one of our top sellers

The blender can do it – at 19,000 rpm. Chopping, blending, mixing, mashing, crushing, grinding, storing, and generating excellent sales – it is all done by the small blender. With more than 8 million units sold, it is one of our absolute hero products.

Can do more than just hot air

Produktfoto des DS Hemdenbüglers mit einem blauen Hemd

1.4 million ironing aids to straighten you out

Ironing is a thing of the past – nowadays, shirts and blouses are blown dry – thanks to our ironing aid’s built-in balloon torso. Mount it, switch it on, wear it. Whoosh! A delightful experience, which is why our ironing aid comes as a standard version, a trouser version, and, of course, a fold and carry version for your travel.

Burns fat,
2.7 million times

Produktfoto einer DS Heißluftfritteuse, gefüllt mit Fleisch und Gemüse

Delicious sales booster

From French fries to chicken nuggets – our clever hot air fryer roasts, heats, keeps warm, and thaws. It makes frying easier and lower on calories. The only thing that weighs heavy is its turnover. Our digital hot air fryer breaks records, for example in home shopping, where it was sold out within 20 minutes. Ka-ching!

Bit the dust: 2.5 million times

Produktfoto eines DS Akku-Zyklon-Staubsaugers

The battery-operated cyclone dust collector for families who cannot afford a cyclone dust collector

No bag, no cable, no digging deep into your pockets. Our battery-driven cyclone dust collector attains performance results similar to the market leader – at about a fifth of its price. We like that. Just like 2.5 million households who can now afford a light and comfortable battery-driven cyclone dust collector. Neat!

Sorry, but you have to stay outside

Das DS Moskitonetz an einem Fenster mit Ausblick auf eine Blumenwiese

Our magnetic mosquito net acts as a stringent doorman who denies access to pollen and insects

Ouch and Atishoo – no, thank you! Moreover, we don't like to drill or screw holes into the window frames. To date, this view has been shared by 7.5 million households who simply click our magnetic mosquito nets onto their doors and window panes.
Sorry, not sorry, mosquito.

Our brands

That's a great idea!
You have a product, and you want to make it big? You need help with the implementation?

It starts with an idea. Its implementation and manufacturing become tricky. And logistics must rock.

Good to have a partner like DS Group on your side. We supply dealers throughout the entire DACH region:

> 40,000

retail stores directly from our modern logistics center in Gallin.